05 October 2010

Lose Weight Fast with Negative Calorie Food

Have you heard about negative calorie food? Yes, they are real and very effective options for losing weight. Negative calorie foods are those which provide calories lesser than the calorie we burn while eating them or doing nothing (Basal Metabolic Rate). As a result you get a negative calorie for storage in your body. That is exactly how it works to lose weight. You get full and satisfied after eating them without getting the same amount of calorie satisfaction being added to your body.

Water, for example, has no calorie content. But our body responds well when we drink it. We feel soothed and relieved from the discomfort of thirst. Diets with negative calorie foods (NCF) make us work on our muscles directly. With the right amount of calorie intake on well- balanced foods adding NCFs could send false sense of satisfaction to our brain that you have taken in calories ready for use but the real score is you haven’t. It’s just that you have taken in food with no calorie value to your body. As a result, the stored calories are being used up. By substituting high-calorie content foods in your meal plan with NCFs you are at the same time reducing your calorie intake. The best thing to do this is to make a meal plan for one week with NCFs and slowly add more on the second week.

Here are some lists of negative calorie foods you can eat alone or combine with your diet:

Apple Cantaloupes Cranberries Garlic Onions
Asparagus Cauliflower Cucumber Grapefruit Papaya
Beets Carrot Eggplant Green Beans Pineapples
Blueberries Celery Stalk Endive Green Cabbage Prunes
Broccoli Celery Root Garden Cress Lamb’s Lettuce Tomatoes

Above are only some of the few negative calorie foods. For other lists you can check online or you can consult a dietitian to make a month-long meal plan for you.


  1. I welcome this information about negative calorie food and the suggested list. If it helps to keep me away from taking my maintenance oral med to shed off fat, I'll make a try for this one. Thank you.

  2. Thank you for your tips, they work real well.

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